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VB.net for Beginners


يتضمن الدورات التالية

How to use VB dot net to create simple windows applications and games.



The course is designed for the students who already use the computers or laptop and want to know how is applications and games made of.

We will start form the beginning of designed the flowchart of the program and describe how to convert the flowchart to programming code.

Next is describe the VB dot net statement and variables and efferent types the controls.

The using of branches in simple way.

First :Example is creating a simple application about traffic signs.

Second: Example is how to create your own calculator.

Third: A simple board game X&O. and simple puzzle Game.

Conclusion :How to use programming to converts you ideas to be real and create your own games.

Think what? You can also seal your products to costumers in future.

مالذي ستتعلمه

Students will be able to understand what is programming.
Students will be able to understand the flowchart of the program.
Students will be able to create simple windows applications.
Students will be able to create simple windows games.

لمن هذا الكورس

Any person who interested with programming,Computer and games

متطلبات الدورة

  • You should use PC at all levels.

مدرب الدورة

 كورس سيت المدرب أيمن السعيد عبد الواحد خشوعى

Ayman Khoshouey

I’m a VB.net, Java, C#, C++, Pro-log, Python, Excel VBA

I’m a VB dot net, Java, C#, C++, Pro-log, Python, Excel VBA, Android Studio Developer and an Automotive Engineer working on Maintenance Engineering division in My Company (As a department Head) of Maintenance Information & Database (Maximo) and maintenance planning for 15 years. I started programming with Sakhr home computer using Basic when I was 12 years old.It was very interesting that you can make your ideas be alive using programming.I’m very good in painting,sculpture and hand drawing so it was very simple to use computer graphics for me.I’m now using vb.net 2017 and I’ll try to learn the latest versions.I teach my self using books and now using the incredible internet.


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