المنطق الرقمي المستوى الثاني Digital Logic Design 2
المنطق الرقمي المستوى الأول هذه الدورة تشرح منهج جامعي يدرسه طلبة الحاسوب ، هندسة الكمبيوتر ، الهندسة الكهربائية ، هندسة الإلكترونيات ، أو الاتصالات. نشرح فيه مبادئ التعامل مع البوابات المنطقية ، والدوائر الرقمية وكيفية بناء دائرة الكترونية تعتمد على بوابات منطقية لحل مشاكل حياتية . نتعلم أيضا طريقة رسم …
مدرب الدورة
Dr. Abdullah Mutawa
Director Of the Office Of Engineering Education at Kuwait University
Dr. Abdullah Mohamed AL-Mutawa started early in the field of Computer Programming (1980s), designed and developed a computer system for high school student mentoring (1985), won the first price in the ICT Kuwait Society National Programming Competition (1987), won the first, second and fourth prizes in the Ministry of Education Best Educational Computer Program Competition (1988), and was awarded the Best Programmer Award (1988).
Dr. Mutawa volunteered to design and implement a complete system that helps resolve student registration conflicts at Kuwait University while studying at college (1991) and earned his B.Sc. Degree in Computer Engineering from Kuwait University (1994) and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Syracuse University, U.S.A. (1999) in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Dr. Mutawa decided to continue his career in the field of education, better to serve ICT and to contribute to the community .
As a faculty member in the Computer Engineering Department at Kuwait University (1999-present), he has conducted more than 70 workshops covering topics related to using ICT in classrooms, as well as advanced topics in e-learning, self development, and communication skills, and provided many radio, television, and public seminars to increase public awareness regarding ICT in education.
Dr. Mutawa won the first and third prizes in the Word Summit Award Best in E-Content and Creativity (2009-2010) organized by G@ID -United Nations and organized by KFAS, for i-Tarteel (Mobile Education) and Amthal (E-Culture), respectively. Dr. Mutawa is the Award Winner of the GCC Award of excellence of e-course 2013 and 2015 (http://gccaward.uob.edu.bh) Dr. Mutawa served as a Director of the Office of Engineering Education at the College of Engineering and Petroleum Kuwait University from 2004-2012, and as Assistant Vice President for academic services for computer systems and distant learning from 2012-2014
- Kuwait University Total Duration20 yrs 1 mo
- Assistant Vice President for Academic Suport Services for Information Systems and Distance Learning Dates EmployedNov 2012 – Nov 2014 Employment Duration2 yrs 1 mo LocationKuwait University, Kuwait
- TitleDirector Of the Office Of Engineering Education Dates EmployedJan 2004 – Jan 2013 Employment Duration9 yrs 1 mo
- Smart Classrooms Committee member Dates EmployedJun 2008 – Feb 2012 Employment Duration3 yrs 9 mos This committee was created by the President of Kuwait University to enhance the classrooms at all 13 campus in Kuwait University by introducing new and advance tools in education.
- TitleAssistant Professor Dates EmployedMay 1999 – Jul 2011 Employment Duration12 yrs 3 mos
- Syracuse University Degree NamePh.D. Field Of StudyComputer Sience and Engineering Dates attended or expected graduation 1996 – 1999 Artificial Intelligence
- Syracuse University Degree NameMaster Field Of StudyComputer Scince and Engineering Dates attended or expected graduation 1994 – 1996 Artificial Intellegince
- Kuwait University Degree NameBSC Field Of StudyComputer Engineering Dates attended or expected graduation 1989 – 1994 Computer engineering