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اشترك في الدورة

The Best Course For Learning How To Use Joomla CMS to Build a Professional Web Sits

This course will give you all the best information to learn Joomla CMS and how to use it and how it works, we offers practices in editing for contents and managing for the site and how to customize it. by the way you will learn how to create and manage hosting package on the server to setup the Joomla CMS then you will be able to start learning how to customize your web site by Joomla CMS, then you will be able to manage and create the Categories and Articles of your web site such as pages. also you will learn how to customize menus and modules at the web site of Joomla CMS. in addition you will learn how to customize templates to provides the best looking of the Joomla CMS, Finally we will discuss more about advanced setting at Joomla CMS.

Benefits of Using Joomla

Hackable core
Built-in caching
Security updates
Frontend editing
Scalable engine
Secure by default
Multilingual support
Access control lists
Reasonable learning curve
Huge library of extensions
Open source infrastructure
Infrastructure versatility
Vast collection of templates
Fast, safe, and easy editing
Vibrant and friendly community
Built-in basic SEO functionality
Compatible with nearly all browsers

مالذي ستتعلمه

Build A Professional Web Sites By Using Joomla CMS
Manage And Customize the Whole Contents of the Web Sites
Manage Several Templates and Modules At Joomla CMS Web Site
Manage Several Components, Languages and Plugins At Joomla CMS Web Site

لمن هذه الدورة

This Course For anyone interest with web technology
this course serve anybody work as web administrator on any company or office
This course also for anyone works in blogs , newspaper, magazine, eCommerce site as author or editor
this course help anyone to build web sites and to make his own office of web design and developer to make web sites for customers
this course help companies, restaurants, organizations and other socials over the world to manage their web sites by Joomla

متطلبات الدورة

  • Computer or laptop
  • Internet Connection
  • Attend to learning

مدرب الدورة

 المدرب نادر حنتش كورس سيت courseset com

Nader Hantash

Software Engineer & App Developer
I`m Nader Hantash, Who’s a Software Engineer & expert web & Mobile App developer and instructor as well.

I love to teach the newbies and also the professionals. I always try to teach something new and in-demand topics to my students around the world .

I’m working as a web developer since 2004 and mobile app developer since 2015, am founder of ExcellentPro for Software Solutions like: CRM, ERP, HR , POS, ecommerce store and web sites development company , and earlier in 2017 i have been establish my new company for mobile apps which called GridsApps, Most of my days are spent getting to know myself better through reflection and meditation, and I find myself working out quite a fair bit. On this Platform, I upload my thoughts on programming, Ecommerce, Mobile App Development and much more. I found that udemy is helping those who want to learn. so that’s why I’m here.

My wish is to share my experiences and thoughts with you, in hope to bring you value and a more pleasant walk through life. I firmly believe that together, we can enhance each others lives
أنا نادر حنتش، مبرمج و خبير في تطوير مواقع الويب والمتاجر الإلكترونية وكذلك الحال مطور تطبيقات موبايل، ومدرب محترف.

أعمل في مجال تطوير مواقع الويب والمتاجر الإلكترونية منذ العام 2004 وأسست عملي الخاص بهذا المجال منذ سنوات عديده جدا وقدمت مئات المواقع والمتاجر للشركات والأفراد حول العالم وحديثا قمت بتأسيس عمل وشركة خاصة لتطوير تطبيقات الموبايل الإحترافية لأقدم الأفضل لزبائني في جميع أرجاء المعمورة. معظم الوقت أسعى إلى تطوير ذاتي لتقديم الأفضل فيما يخص التكنولوجيا الحديثة من تطبيقات وبرمجيات تخدم البشرية جميعا. كما أنني مدرب محترف قدمت العديد من الدورات الإحترافية فيما يخص بناء وتطوير المواقع وكذلك بناء المتاجر الإلكترونية وأيضا تطوير تطبيقات الموبايل، ولدي أكثر من 160 ألف طالب وطالبة في يوديمي وسكيل شير ومهارة.

أتمنى دوما أن أقدم الأفضل لزبائني والعمل بشكل إحترافي وتطوير مجتمعنا العربي بما يرتقي بمستوى العالمية في التخطيط والإنجاز.

أنا موجود هنا لمشاركة خبراتي مع كل من يرغب في الحصول على المعلومات والخبرات التي أتقنها .

اشترك في الدورة

محتويات الدورة

Introduction To Joomla
Introduction 00:06:49
Create DB & Install Joomla CMS
Create Data Base 00:05:17
Download Joomla CMS Files 00:02:00
Uploading Joomla CMS Files to the Server 00:05:15
Setup and Install Joomla CMS 00:13:46
Get Your Free hosting
Free Hosting Package 00:01:58
Overview Of Joomla CMS
Front-End Tours 00:04:59
Back-End Tours 00:08:44
Learn How To Manage & Customize Categories At Joomla CMS
What is Category & How it Works? 00:04:16
Create a New Categories 00:07:59
Learn How to Edit and Customize Category 00:03:12
Learn How To Manage & Customize Articles At Joomla CMS
What Is Article at joomla & How it works 00:03:18
Create New Articles 00:09:38
Edit And Modify Articles 00:05:32
Learn How To Manage & Customize Menu`s At Joomla CMS
Menu`s At Joomla Web Site 00:03:06
Add Menu Items to an existing Menu 00:06:11
Create Menu From Scratch 00:04:04
Learn How To Manage & Customize Modules At Joomla CMS
Modules in Joomla CMS 00:11:31
Add Modules to the site of Joomla 00:19:20
Customize Modules through Arrangement and positions 00:05:30
Learn How To Manage & Customize Advanced Menu Settings
Advanced Menu Settings 00:04:25
Learn How To Manage & Customize Images at Joomla CMS
Image Customization’s 00:18:54
Learn How To Manage & Customize Templates at Joomla CMS
Templates Configurations and Customization Part 1 00:16:01
Templates Configurations and Customization Part 2 00:16:11
Advanced Settings at Joomla CMS
Advanced Settings Part 1 00:13:21
Advanced Settings Part 2 00:11:34
Advanced Settings Part 3 00:07:31
Advanced Settings Part 4 00:09:25
Advanced Settings Part 5 00:09:40

تقييم الدورة


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