الطريق المختصر إلى اللغة التركية | المستوى الثاني
Hayrettin Elali
Entrepreneurship, Personal Development, Languages إجازة في الاقتصاد اختصاص حاسوب ونظم معلومات, ادرس حالياً ماجستير إدارة أعمال .. خبرة أكثر من خمس سنوات في مجالات الإدارة وريادة الأعمال والموارد البشرية .. اتبعت أكثر من خمسين دورة في المجالات المذكورة وفي مجالات التنمية الذاتية والحاسوب والتعليم ..(ومازلت اتعلم) .. أتكلم الانكليزية والتركية ولغتي الأم هي العربية. أحب التعلم والتعليم, ********************** Merhaba, İsmim Hayrettin Elali, İktisat Fakültesinden mezunuyum, şimdi (2020) Türkiye’de yüksek lisans İşletme Bölümünde okuyorum. Ana dilim Arapça, İngilizce ve Türkçe de biliyorum. Türkçe dili ile maceram çocukluğumda başladı (Türk kanalları izlemek, çevremde Türkmenlerden birkaç kelime öğrenmek) ama resmi olarak 2004’te başladı o zamanda ilk Türkçe kursu aldım (A1) Halep Üniversitesi’nde, sonra (A2) kursu da aldım aynı yerde, ta 2014’a Türkiye’ye geldiğime kadar burada öğrenimi tamamladım ve Türkçe dilinde (C1) sertifikası aldım. Suriye’de muhasebeci olarak çalıştım, Türkiye’de uluslararası kâr amacı gütmeyen bir kuruluşta Proje İdari Asistanı olarak çalıştım şimdi da Araplar için Türkçe dersleri veriyorum. Öğrenmek ve öğretmek benim büyük hevesim (Şimdiye kadar bildiğim bu 3 dilde çeşitli alanlarda 50’dan fazla kurs aldım 🙂 ) ********************** Hi everyone ! My Name is Hayrettin Elali, I possess around four years of progressive experience in Administration, Finance, Human Resources fields at the same time by holding a position of Administration Assistant with INGO like (Doctors without borders MSF) in Turkey, so my working with the Admin Fin Manager was to oversee and monitor the implementation of the organization’s procedures and standards at the field, enlarging my knowledge in Finance, Human Resources, Administration at the same time. Also, I have worked with the same INGO (MSF) as a Storekeeper with the logistic team for more than one year. And I have worked as an Accountant in one of the governmental institutions in Syria for around six months. I have a bachelor degree in Computer and İnformation Systems in the Economy with a very good rate, also I am studying now (2020) for a Master’s Degree in Business Administration in Turkey, besides attending a lot of training and courses (more than 50) in different areas: Project Management for Development (PMD), Humanitarian Needs Assessment, Field Management Course (FMC), Entrepreneurship, Human Development, Data Collection, Monitoring & Evaluation, Learning Methods, E-Marketing, MS Office and more. Arabic as mother tongue, advanced level in both English and Turkish. İ like learning and teaching, reading, improving myself, and sharing knowledge with others. Thanks and see you in my courses.