بإمكانك الآن تحقيق أرباح عند ترويجك لكورسات كورس سيت .. للمزيد
 المدرب Fady SReyad كورس سيت courseset com

Fady S Reyad

Print Output Graphic Graphic Designer Work with adobe Photoshop for ten years, and work with adobe Illustrator and InDesign for six years. Art Director (Prima Graphic Printhouse seeing the problems in Printing field and how to solve them, and have a good experience in managing the production in the printhouse between printing, bending, and finishing. And can share these experiences through the records I upload. Graphic Instructor (Information Systems Institute) since 2010 Light Of knowledge online training owner

دورة Photoshop CC 2015 Top New Features كورس سيت courseset com
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