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 المدرب Ahmad Bahkali كورس سيت courseset com

Ahmad Bahkali

Penetration Tester Ahmad Bahkali is an IT student by day and Ethical hacker at night. co-founder at Hacking Minions which is an arabic Ethical hacking community. Certified penetration tester, a good experience in the Cybersecurity field. i am also a CTF (Capture The Flag) player. I wish you all the best and I hope you enjoy my courses.

دورة Wireshark دورة تحليل الشبكات واختراقها بأداة كورس سيت courseset com
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الإسم *الكورس الذي تستعلم عنه *البريد الإلكتروني *رقم الهاتفالبلد *رسالتك *
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