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OTC over the counter drugs – basics of pharmacology اساسيات الفارما


كورس اساسيات الفارما وربطها بارض الواقع وشرح حالات OTC فى الصيدليه مع سهولة التعامل مع المريض وكيفيه اخراج المعلومه بشكل سليم وعلمى موثوق فيه



At the end of this course
Trainee will be able to:

  1. Summarize and apply on all basics of medical terminology
    • All body systems
    • Translate all medical terms
  2. Apply on basics of scientific research
    • All trusted websites
    • Books
    • Apps
    • Other reference
  3. Understand all basics of pharmacology
    • Drug interactions
    • Dose adjustment
    • Mechanisms
  4. Practice and solve all medical cases in pharmacy
  5. Compare between cases to Dispense or refer
  6. Identify and complete all body systems disorders
  7. Discover prescription errors
  8. Decide the right diagnosis and treatment for cases 9.Analyze all lab data and diagnostic testing of different organs
  9. Practice

مالذي ستتعلمه

سيتمكن الطلاب فى نهاية الدورة ان يكون قادارا على صرف الروشتات والتعامل مع المريض والرد على اى سؤال بطريقه علميه صحيحه فى الحال دون حفظ المعلومات

لمن هذا الكورس

طلاب كليه الصيدلة او صيدلى

مدرب الدورة

المدربة Mansoura Alazoumy كورس سيت courseset com

Mansoura Alazoumy


More than two years of experience in the field of motion graphics and animation, as well as experience in explaining and detailing scientific materials, including what is specific to scientific research and experience in many other areas such as marketing, presentation, team work, work under pressure and other areas beneficial to society……………………Graphic designer… Animator… YouTuber.. presenter


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