بإمكانك الآن تحقيق أرباح عند ترويجك لكورسات كورس سيت .. للمزيد

Course Intro

Welcome to this training course.This training course is the official training that you need in order to be eligible for the PMI-RMP (Risk Management Professional) certification exam.In addition to that, this training course will teach you everything that you need in order to effectively manage risks on your projects and take control of them instead of being under their mercy!Upon completing this training course, you will be able to: Describe and understand all Project Risk Management processes, as outlined in the PMI® PMBOK® Guide 5th Edition Gain the necessary information to prepare for the PMI® Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP®) Certification Exam Use internationally-recognized best practices for managing risks Avoid common risk management mistakes Describe Risk Management principles and techniques and how they apply to the day-to-day management of projects and operations Be more focused and proactive about preventing problems as opposed to dealing with them as they occur Understand the nature of the PMI-RMP exam Understand the eligibility requirements of the PMI-RMP exam Understand the eligibility requirements of the PMI-RMP exam Understand the application process of the PMI-RMP exam and the associated details Understand the eligibility requirements of the PMI-RMP exam Know where to focus while preparing for the exam and how to avoid some tricks of the exam

Course Intro

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