بإمكانك الآن تحقيق أرباح عند ترويجك لكورسات كورس سيت .. للمزيد

Meet The Instructor

Fahad Saadah is a professional with more than 27 years of real-life experience in project management and related areas. He is passionate about the field of risk management since risks impact, and are impacted by, everything.Fahad Saadah lived and worked in many countries and was exposed to many cultures which enriched his knowledge and experience.professional who delivered hundreds of training courses and lectures that changed the lives of countless of people.Highlights of the instructor:Has more than 23 years experience Lived in many countries and was exposed to different Cultures (KSA, Jordan, Australia, Singapore, Turkey, Malaysia) Served many different Sectors (Government, Private, NGO) Worked on various project sizes ranging from small to mega projects Delivered services in PMO Setup, Training, Consulting, Project Management

Meet The Instructor

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الإسم *الكورس الذي تستعلم عنه *البريد الإلكتروني *رقم الهاتفالبلد *رسالتك *
مزيداً من الفائدة بإشتراكك بنشرة كورس سيت البريدية   إشتراك